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See below how you can help Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Derby...

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Volunteers are an integral part of Derby Refugee Forum and we have a friendly team who support and help with all the services that we offer.

Our main volunteering days are Tuesday and Thursday each week.

If you feel that you would be interested in helping, please see this page.


Derby Refugee Forum runs a small  food cupboard which allows us to support destitute Asylum Seekers and Refugees with a weekly food parcel. 

Much of the food we give away is donated from Groups, Churches and Indiviuals. The items we are in most need of are:

Tinned goods - Tomatoes, Red Kidney Beans, Chickpeas, Sweetcorn and Fruit. Teabags, Coffee, Sugar, Long Life Milk, Olives, Dried Rice, Cooking Oil, Biscuits, Breakfast Cereals and Toiletries.

If you can help with donations of any of the above, please get in touch.

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Financial donations are always very welcome as we can put the money to where it is needed the most, or use as match funding towards our bigger projects.
Cash donations and cheques (made payable to Derby Refugee Forum) can be made at the centre, or financial donations can be made via bank transfer to Derby Refugee Forum HSBC Sort Code 40-19-15 Account number 12799650.


You can help refugees and Asylum Seekers by donating good quality clothing and household goods. Please contact us to discuss what items we might need - we offer basic toiletries and clothing for destitute Asylum Seekers and Refugees affected by a benefit delay.

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Awareness raising of both the services that we offer and the situation for asylum seekers and refugees locally and nationally, along with fundraising to keep our services going, are an important part of what we do. Throughout the year many of our volunteers organise information stalls at events, give talks to schools and groups and collect food donations. We also support those who want to help by organising a fundraising event on our behalf.

All these things help to raise awareness of asylum issues and are a great way to bring people together and spread the word.

If you would like to help fundraise for our charity or would like to host a talk, please get in touch.


If you need advice and support regarding Ukrainian Refugees, we suggest that you contact the Derby Branch of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB). They hold weekly Welcome Hub sessions for new arrivals in Derby - email


Further information can be found on the Derby City Council website


At Derby Refugee Advice Centre, we hold weekly English classes and drop-in advice sessions for all Refugees and Asylum Seekers. We provide support and advice on claiming benefits, housing, school admissions and signposting to other specialist organisations. 

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